So… I started writing this at the end of October 2013...
My goodness! Has it really been two months already? It can’t be….
Ooops! That’s not good…. So, catch up time. (By the way this turned into a really long post (3+ pages!) so I’ve
decided to split it up. Read on for part
In the last two months, some good, some bad.
For the most part, the status quo has been maintained. What I was doing before is the same as I am
now. :-S
I set myself the challenge of doing sit-ups every day. I didn’t make it to 600… I think I got to
436. Still, I think I did pretty alright
with that, especially considering I have kept on going and I am still doing
sit-ups most days. I am now up to 60 at
one time. I have to stop for a day or
two sometimes though because I think I am starting to bruise my tail bone. I think I need to get a thicker yoga mat
thing. The one I’m using is fairly
thin, and given I have a concrete floor, it’s just not giving enough
padding. I need to find a really cushy
one, not just a non-slip type rubber mat.
I have picked up my swimming again!! The local
pool opened up back in September so I have been a few times since then. I also organised to get a key for the pool
attached to my workplace complex. There
are a few community groups/swim clubs that use it too though, so trying to find
a time that doesn’t clash with them is proving tricky. Especially after work. It’s an open-air/outdoor pool so in theory I
can swim anytime I want. It’s just
creepy to stay after 6 and swim on my own.
And I’m not really going to go to work on the weekend just so I can swim
for 50 minutes.
Before work doesn’t quite work either, because there isn’t a proper
shower/change room. Just a single shower
head for a rinse in the doorway to the
changing room. As in, you want to
shower (rinse)? Then you have to do it
in full view of everyone else including those still poolside. Eeep! I
guess it’s to make it a quick process seeing as there are many community groups
that use it and it needs to be available for quick change. No girls spending half an hour under the
shower so they can wash their hair.
o_O And then, the actual change
room is in the style as it exists in many public pools around the world – an
open room with benches and hooks but no individual cubicles.
Speaking of cubicles. There’s no toilet
there either. So… before work
swimming? Nuh-uh!
Another something that I have been doing is
trying to go for a walk everyday. I
started with the intention of just walking for 20 minutes a day, but that’s
extended somewhat to 30 minutes a day.
20 minutes just didn’t feel long enough.
Ironically, I picked 20 minutes because I don’t “have any spare
time”. Is that irony? I don’t know if it is. Hmm…
It was back in the beginning of October and we had a long weekend, where I had
spent practically the entire weekend
inside, on my arse. *throws hands in exasperation* Pah! *walks over to where hands landed and
crouches down to get them again mama-cat style*Ah! That’s better! (P.S.
Learnt to type with my nose!). I
got so mad at myself for doing that, that I decided at the very least, I should
have the time to walk for 20 minutes.
Everyone has time for 20 minutes!
I walked pretty consistently for a week and a half 20 minutes everyday. Most times it turned to longer than 20
minutes, because of having to wait to cross the train track or the road. But the distance was fairly consistent: 2.2km (1.37mi) But then, of
course, something happened to make me get back off track. I was sick for a few days and that threw all
plans – exercise and eating out the window.
And I’ve been really slow to bring it back. L
I’m working on a new habit for November.
ETA: I don’t even remember now
what that habit was meant to be, unless it was to eat breakfast everyday?