Sunday, 27 May 2012

Week 7 round-up

Whoops!  I've had helluva busy week this week.  Not keen on next week's results based on this and other excuses

Well at the end of this week, this how the results look. 

Another kilogram down! Wahoo!  Also, some numbers have gone down, namely the waist.  Not 100% sure if this is accurate though.

94 kg
83.5 cm
111.5 cm
101.5 cm
113 cm
Thigh (R)
71.5 cm
113 cm
Upper Arm (L)
37 cm
35 cm

Oh! I should also point out I actually had to weigh myself at 4.30 in the morning for this.  Wednesday I had a meeting in the city - which is 2 1/2 hours away.  So I had to get up early to drive myself there.  What fun….. :(  This is after I had to drive 2.5 hours to another city in the other direction on Tuesday for a convention.  Two mornings in a row I had to get up early for work purposes.  Crazy times. 

I also had to leave detailed instructions on how to deal with my clients on both these days, so I missed Monday's gym class.  I missed Tuesday's because I needed to go to bed early to sleep.  I got back home too late to go to Wednesday's gym and by Thursday I was absolutely pooped so I skipped the gym on Thursday (and slept for almost 12 hours - lovely and refreshing, glad I did!)

I think I also slacked this week with good food choices because of this.  I packed my lunch for both trips into the city which I was pleased about.  However, I do admit going to Hungry Jacks to get a (vegetarian) burger for dinner Wednesday night before driving home.  I debated about Subway, but we have Subway at home, and Hungry Jacks is a treat I only afford myself when in the city.  I felt good though about my choice because I didn't get any fries or soft drink to go with it. 

Another excuse, and I do admit quite freely to using the word excuse, because that's what it is, is "I was sick".  I was pretty unwell Monday & Tuesday.  Snotty nose, sneezing, chills and every now and then a wave of nausea.  I think on Monday all I had during the day was a number of cups of lemon tea.  I didn't even eat the tomato soup I brought - loaded up with garlic and leek and other vegetables.  I just didn't feel I could keep it down. 

So I need to work better on recognising when I'm getting run-down and counter-act that.  I know that with a head cold like I had, exercising is still fine.  In fact, I managed to go for a bike ride with Imogen on Saturday.  9 km.  I had to stop often because I couldn't breathe, but Imogen is also new to getting fit.  She admits her self she doesn't ride very fast. 

No excuses next week.  Have already packed my gym bag for Monday.


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Another Week down

Week 6 results - I can't believe I've been at this for six weeks already!  I can believe it on one way, because we're already half-way through May and I started at the beginning of April.

What I feel I can't believe is how little progress I've made.  I honestly thought that I could lose around 1.5 kg/fortnight.  So in the six weeks, I could (should?) be already below 90 kg.  Instead, not so.  Weight loss progress has been very slow.  Given that is my main goal - to lose weight - it's been disappointing.  I don't know whether I should look more into what I'm eating, how much exercise I'm  doing, how much sleep I'm getting…  I think I'll give it another 2 weeks and if I'm still not making much in the way of progress I'll get a doctor's appointment and look into getting blood tests and what not.

In anycase, here are this week's results!


95 kg
85.5 cm
114 cm
99.5 cm
114 cm
Thigh (R)
74 cm
112.5 cm
Upper Arm (L)
37 cm
36 cm

Well, okay, so the results aren't all bad. I did go back down to 95kg.  In fact, I think the needle was actually sitting just below the 95kg mark.  But, because I can't confirm, I'll stick to saying 95 kg. 
And it looks like my bust has gone down!  I thought I had noticed my sports bra wasn't sitting as well as it had been, but didn't pay much attention to it.  So if it really has become smaller, then woo-hoo!  An negative number, any number, shows that something must be happening, right?


Some progress in fitness...?

Whoops!  I've been slacking with my posting… I guess I don't have anything new to report in terms of my wellness progress…  That, and life has got in the way. 

I have gone to the gym Monday, Tuesday and today.  I am getting better at some things.  I think my fitness is improving, slowly, but improving. 

It's such a hard thing to measure I guess.  Maybe I need to make an afternoon this weekend to set-up a bench mark of things - how ling it takes me to run 100m & 500m, how many sit-ups, push-ups, star jumps and burpees (!)* I can do.  Time how long I can maintain the plank position for.   Those bench dip things that are good for your triceps.  Maybe with the star jumps and burpees I should see how many I can do in a minute or something?  Ooh! Thought of another one… see how long I can last skipping with a skipping rope.  In the past whenever I've used a skipping rope I've had to give up after 20 seconds because I'm just too out of breath!

Wow, I only just thought of this idea and I like it more and more already!  Maybe I can check myself on this once a month?  That way I'm doing more than just trying to lose weight…?  I've read a little bit into goals and goal setting when getting fit/losing weight - maybe I need to read into this more.

*I worked out I can do burpees now!  I hate burpees - I think they're evil!!!!  But, this week on Monday's circuit class, when we had to do burpees at one of the stations, I could do some!  Not very quick mind you.  In the thirty seconds we had, I think I only did four… but I made the effort and I did them, instead of just stepping out from the crouch-down position.  Hooray!! Even though I'm still a bit blasé about it, I really should be more excited.  Burpees are one of those things I find really really hard to do.  Squats - they're easy.  Give me ten variations to do and I will happily do them for the hour.  But burpees - yuck!

Right - something to research and look into for fitness 'base testing'.  Off I go!


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Week 5, Week 5!

Well at the end of this week, this how the results look. 

Woo!  Second week in a row that I remembered to get up and measure myself before breakfast.  No easy feat as we're heading into winter and my bed is more and more inviting.

Because of the public holiday Monday, I only went to the gym yesterday.  As I also have documented, I had lousy food choices over the weekend too. 

96 kg
86.5 cm
116.5 cm
102 cm
114 cm
Thigh (R)
72 cm
118 cm
Upper Arm (L)
36 cm
35.5 cm

Went back up in weight which is not so good.  I'm also going to take this time to point out that I don't have electronic bathroom scales, but just the old fashioned dial one, which means I have to estimate the reading.  I think most of my other measurements have gone up too, and I hope it's only because Aunty Flo is meant to be visiting soon. 

Overall though, even though there is little  change here, I do think that I'm already starting to get fitter.  That the three weeks I've been going to the gym is starting to pay off.  I can keep up with the classes a little better now.  I am quite happy to admit that in the exercise classes I am taking, I am by far the least fit.  But I do think I'm improving.  I'm starting to be able to push myself more.  I can (sometimes) convince myself that the only person telling me I can't do it is me.  I hate it at the time and get close to tears from the exertion, but then the exercise is finished and I'm not as stuffed as I was the last week. 

I can now put my arms over my head without getting pins and needles.  The reason I am interested in measuring my neck is because before I started going to the gym, I couldn't straighten my arms up above my head.  I discovered that every time I stretched my hands upwards, I got pins and needles from the fat on my shoulders and neck bulking up and cutting the circulation.  This isn't happening anymore.

I have one new class to go to tomorrow that I haven't made it to yet in the last two weeks for varied reasons.  But my bag is packed, and I think I'll be ready to go.  The class is called Fitbox, which is meant to be a lot of cardio (groan!) and upper body work.  I think I can handle the upper body work, as much of a weakling that I am.  It's the cardio that I'm not looking forward to. 

Let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Trip Away, Seeing Friends, Good. Eating choices? Bad

Well, the weekend just gone was an extra long weekend with public holidays either side and I went to the big smoke, catching up with friends.  It was certainly hard to keep motivated to exercise and eat right.  

As I was staying with my friends, I was somewhat restricted in what I had available to eat.  I ate what they ate, even if it wasn't so great.  We had leftover risotto on Thursday night.  And this was the last of the fresh food in the house.  This meant pizza on Friday night - luckily I have already learnt that it is possible to order a vegetarian pizza without cheese.  You get a funny look, but at least it is better for fat content.  I just wish they'd learn to bulk up the vegetables in its place!  Saturday night was Chinese takeaway.  Even with choosing only vegetable dishes, there's still a lot of oil and salt involved.  And Sunday night we went out to dinner at a bistro.  Even lunch wasn't a meal, but either 2 minute noodles, or grilled cheese sandwiches.  And the pulling out of cheese and crackers and dips and corn chips and bags of lollies to snack on… Have you got the idea yet that my friends don't like to cook very often? :-) 

In going out to dinner Sunday, I was really worried about my food choices.  For the previous three days I'd eaten really heavy foods, and foods that I like and enjoy, sure, but not all at the one time as happened this weekend.  I was starting to crave fruit and vegetables, something fresh, something clean.  I also noticed I was really thirsty - coming from having barely any liquid in the past three days other than coffee with my breakfast.   Now, I'm not a big water drinker.  Even in summer I struggle to drink enough water.  I can, and frequently do, go three days without drinking water.  Not good.

But on Sunday, I was really starting to feel the effects of three days of heavy foods, or, foods that I will eat no more than once a week.  When we got to the bistro, I looked at the menu choices and I decided I'd go the lightest food I could.  No dairy (cheese, cream, etc) and try to stay away from anything fried.  I ended up choosing the grilled fish.  It came with the side options of either chips or mash (potato) and salad or steamed veges.  Usually I get chips and salad, eating everyone else's chips when they are finished with them.  But not on Sunday night. 

I asked the server if I could skip the chips and get both veges and salad.  Smart choice for me!  She had to check with the kitchen, but they were fine with it.  YESSSS!!!  I am still feeling so pleased about it.  :)  And when my food came out, I just attacked my salad and veg.  My body must have really been craving for nutrients and fresh produce because I just chowed down on the greens.  And then I ate about 2/3 of the fish, because it was A) a fairly large portion and B) I just didn't feel like it, because I wanted the vegetables & salad.

I am actually really excited over this, even though this may seem like a small thing.  I normally am not a huge vegetable or salad eater.  As I mentioned above, I usually go for chips.  I have even gone so far as to convince company to change restaurants/bistros/pubs, etc, because the meals don't come with chips.  For me to have such a turn around like this, and ask for no chips, and extra greens instead, is such a good thing.  And I don't regret the decision at all.  I keep coming back to "it was such as easy thing to do, I'm going to do that each time now when I go out". 

And I feel too, that maybe on some level, my body is getting used to me trying to feed it better, and is now recognising when I am slacking.  Overall, this weekend was not great food wise, and after three days, I really felt it.  But, when I saw the opportunity to turn that around - I took it.  I didn’t just tell myself too bad, you're away this weekend, worry about eating well when you get back, you're kind of on holidays.  I actually saw somewhere where I could make a good choice, to start to counteract all the poor choices I made over the weekend.

Now, if only I could remember to do this all the time.


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Week 4 Weigh-in

Oops!  Thanks to having a show holiday this week, I've forgotten to post.
I went to the Gym on both Monday and Tuesday again this week.  It's funny, I wasn't feeling that positive about it on Monday, but Tuesday felt good.  Given how much arms work we did in class, I was really worried that my arms would be really sore.  But Wednesday was really good, my arms and shoulders weren't stiff at all.

Now, my results for week four were...

Week 4
95 kg
85 cm
114 cm
101 cm
114 cm
Thigh (R)
72.5 cm
114.5 cm
Upper Arm (L)
35 cm
35.5 cm

I went down another kilo!! Hooray!! And I'm feeling pretty good about my other measurements too.  I did actually remember to measure and weigh myself before I ate breakfast too, so I should keep going with that too.

2 kilos down - I'm on my way!
