Thursday, 10 May 2012

Week 5, Week 5!

Well at the end of this week, this how the results look. 

Woo!  Second week in a row that I remembered to get up and measure myself before breakfast.  No easy feat as we're heading into winter and my bed is more and more inviting.

Because of the public holiday Monday, I only went to the gym yesterday.  As I also have documented, I had lousy food choices over the weekend too. 

96 kg
86.5 cm
116.5 cm
102 cm
114 cm
Thigh (R)
72 cm
118 cm
Upper Arm (L)
36 cm
35.5 cm

Went back up in weight which is not so good.  I'm also going to take this time to point out that I don't have electronic bathroom scales, but just the old fashioned dial one, which means I have to estimate the reading.  I think most of my other measurements have gone up too, and I hope it's only because Aunty Flo is meant to be visiting soon. 

Overall though, even though there is little  change here, I do think that I'm already starting to get fitter.  That the three weeks I've been going to the gym is starting to pay off.  I can keep up with the classes a little better now.  I am quite happy to admit that in the exercise classes I am taking, I am by far the least fit.  But I do think I'm improving.  I'm starting to be able to push myself more.  I can (sometimes) convince myself that the only person telling me I can't do it is me.  I hate it at the time and get close to tears from the exertion, but then the exercise is finished and I'm not as stuffed as I was the last week. 

I can now put my arms over my head without getting pins and needles.  The reason I am interested in measuring my neck is because before I started going to the gym, I couldn't straighten my arms up above my head.  I discovered that every time I stretched my hands upwards, I got pins and needles from the fat on my shoulders and neck bulking up and cutting the circulation.  This isn't happening anymore.

I have one new class to go to tomorrow that I haven't made it to yet in the last two weeks for varied reasons.  But my bag is packed, and I think I'll be ready to go.  The class is called Fitbox, which is meant to be a lot of cardio (groan!) and upper body work.  I think I can handle the upper body work, as much of a weakling that I am.  It's the cardio that I'm not looking forward to. 

Let you know how it goes!

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