Hey hey!
Quick update. Kelly, who was here in May for work experience is back for 8 weeks (until the end of the quarter) on an internship. This is good for many reasons. Apart from Kelly being dedicated to learning the ropes, and open to suggestions to get the most out of client sessions, and being an all-round cool gal, she is a fitness-junkie. She normally runs for fitness, but as it is so cold Kel's not too keen about running at the moment. Additionally, being here on training, means she's putting in longer hours at work and not getting outside before it gets dark.
But! She's keen to come along with me to gym sessions. We've made plans to go along tomorrow evening, to Tummy-Butts-and-Thighs. It's what Kelly came along to last time, so she does know what to expect. And it's a good one to wean myself back into going.
I know I do well when I get into the habit of going to the gym. It's once I skip a session or two that I really start to let things slide. In fact, I could have gone many times in the last two weeks, but I've just put it off, or justified in some way why I can't (not enough water/food/sleep that day. Need to prep for next day's work. Haven't packed gym bag, etc, etc). I think it's the first one that's the hardest. Once I go to one session, then it will start to feel normal (and less anxiety-inducing) to keep going to another and another.
Bring on TBT tomorrow!
-Sunny Duckling
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